A Spot of Tea

We celebrated Mother’s Day early by going to tea last weekend. Doesn’t it look so fancy? We were very fancy too, of course. For most of the time, my niece (shown here) was shouting “cock a doodle doo” and flapping her arms like a chicken, which seems like the normal thing to do while enjoying tea. The people around us were so impressed by our level of sophistication.

My other niece, was obviously enjoying herself too. I know that whenever I am having the time of my life, I cover my face with whatever is within arm’s reach, in an attempt to contain my excitement. I did it at a house warming party just last weekend. It’s a sure sign of a good time.

That chocolate covered strawberry didn’t know what hit it. She mauled that thing.

Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers! Have a great day!

// photos and design by Alyse Moyer //

Rock On

Isn’t my niece just the cutest thing? I love her Gap skirt…oh wait, maybe that’s because I got it for her. Can you tell that she is on a rocking chair? Well she is. How else do you think I came up with the cheesy title to this post?

Have a great weekend!

// photos and design by Alyse Moyer //