Happy Halloween!

This is my scary Halloween face. My nephew took this picture. He’s got some serious skill, right? Actually, I only let him do it as a bribe. I wanted to get a picture of him and the only way he would let me, was if I let him take a bunch of pictures.

And this is the nephew I bribed. He has the nicest teeth out of our entire family. We don’t think he’ll need braces.

// photo and design by Alyse Moyer, except for middle photo by bribed nephew //

Wait, They Were Serious About That?

Oh, hey snow. I wasn’t expecting you for another, oh, TWO MONTHS!

I mean, the weather people did say it was supposed to snow today, but I didn’t believe them. Let’s be real, being a weather person isn’t all that exciting unless the weather is being crazy. I just assumed they were bored and met at one of their “weather person support groups” and decided that predicting snow in October would be fun. Didn’t you?

I guess that on occasion, the weather people are accurate. Blows my mind. I had no idea. Lesson learned, next time they call for a hurricane I will believe them instead of sitting on my couch, laughing and thinking that they are so clever for coming up with that one.

// photos by Alyse Moyer //

Corn Maze

I told you I would take lots of pictures. I wasn’t joking. Let me tell you about our corm maze experience, there was corn, more corn, then we got lost, then there was more corn, still lost, CORN. I imagine that’s how they all are.

Aside from all the corn, they also had pumpkins, gourds, flowers and all things fall.

No more corn please.

Here is the entrance to the sea of corn. This was before we knew what we were getting ourselves into. You’d think that with 7 adults, we would find our way out relatively easily. Not the case.

I think she enjoyed the stroll.

Finally, we found our way out! There were pumpkins everywhere. We got apples at the end of the maze to munch on. Delicious.

So cute!

Have a good weekend! Enjoy some corn mazes while you still can!

// photos by Alyse Moyer //

Weekend Fun

How was your weekend? Mine consisted of Schweddy Balls. Umm…what? Yes, Schweddy Balls. It is a Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavor. What did you think I was talking about? It’s based off of the Saturday Night Live skit “Schweddy Balls.” Have you seen it? It’s a classic.

My friend told me about this flavor and I had to try it, if only because of the name. It makes for some fun conversation:

“Do you want to try my Schweddy Balls?”

“My Schweddy Balls are delicious”

I could go on, but I won’t. You are welcome.

We got two flavors, Clusterfluff and Schweddy Balls.

I was a little nervous about the rum flavor, but it was really good. I would highly recommend it. If you try it, let me know how you like Schweddy Balls. Ok, I’m done making jokes about the name.

// photos by Alyse Moyer //

Brain Freeze

My sister’s bachelorette party was this past weekend. We went for a hike and then worked up an appetite, so we stopped at So Fun! Frozen Yogurt.

They have a million flavors of frozen yogurt to choose from (that might be a slight exaggeration.) So what you do is, go in, get a cup, fill it with whatever flavors you want and then choose your toppings. You can get as much or as little as you want. The price is based on the weight. It was delicious. And, the frozen yogurt is healthy, so my sister will still be able to fit into her wedding dress.

My older sister was really hungry.

I have no idea what all is in there.

// photos by Alyse Moyer //

Feeling Festive

Fall is here! So to celebrate, I went to a  farm and got some much needed pumpkins. And, of course, they had other things. Like mums. Lots of mums. As you can see.

They had super cute lollipops and other candy. And, I was a sucker and got two for my nephews.

I probably should have taken the wrapper off before I took the picture, but I didn’t want my nephews to think I tried to eat them.

// photos by Alyse Moyer //