Staying Alive

This is quite possibly the longest that I have ever kept a plant alive. And it’s not only one plant, but six! What you don’t see are the three other little succulents that died and were moved out of this picture. You can’t win them all.


// photos by Alyse Moyer //

Jolly Green Couch

Let me introduce you to our newest piece of furniture. I like to call it the Jolly Green couch, for obvious reasons. It’s is a vintage Chromcraft.

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We got this gem a few weekends ago. Our neighbor told us about a friend that was getting rid of some furniture, so of course, my husband and I took a look. I mean, I won’t say no to that. This sofa immediately got my attention, so we snagged it. One thing you should know about this item is it is HEAVY. Seriously, it took three men to get it out of the house. Then, the fun part came, when my husband and I had to carry it up the stairs and into our house, by ourselves. I thought I was going to die.

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It lived in our dining room for about a week until we could muster up the energy to move it up another flight of stairs and into our office. Luckily, my husband noticed that the sofa comes apart and we could take it upstairs in pieces. While we were taking it apart, we realized the entire bottom of the sofa was covered in dog hair. Like A LOT of it. I think the dog laid under that sofa everyday of it’s existence. We also found some gum stuck to the bottom too. What treasures we were finding. Lucky for you, I did not take any pictures of that part.

Eventually we got the whole sofa cleaned and moved it upstairs. We put this sofa where we previously had on old Ikea couch. So then we had the fun task of moving the other couch down two flights of stairs and into the basement.

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After that, we were exhausted and just ate ice cream for dinner.

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// photos and design by Alyse Moyer //

The Story of a Mirror

That title just draws you in, doesn’t it? Who doesn’t want to read about a mirror? My thoughts exactly. So here we go…

I went to some yard sales with my mom and sister a few weekends ago and found a round mirror for only 75 cents. Obviously, I was sold. You can’t beat a price like that. It needed some love, there were 3 stickers on the mirror and it was pretty dirty.


The stickers were easier to get off than I thought they would be. I just used some nail polish and scrubbed the mirror until my arms fell off. That may be a slight exaggeration, I still have both my arms.

Disregard my gross looking carpet. Oh, the joys of renting.


I thought it would be fun to add a pop of color to this mirror, so I decided to paint it yellow. My fiance sanded the edge of the mirror (the white part is just plastic). Look at him go!

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Then, he taped it off and primed it. He’s a gem, isn’t he?

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Finally, we spray painted it yellow. We didn’t tape to the very edge of the mirror, so we could paint the inside of the frame. Once we pulled the tape off, we just scraped the extra paint off the mirror with a razor. And tada! It was done! It lives in my bedroom now.

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What do you think? Was my 75 cents worth it?

Bedding & Pillow Cases: West Elm | Decorative Pillows: Target (old) | Sidetable: handmade by my fiance (similar)

Fancy Footwork

Remember that time I made this New Year’s resolution? So…it’s not working out that well, as you can see. In an attempt to get back on track, I present to you my new shoes! Who doesn’t love shoes? shoesI picked up these puppies from Zara. They are amazing. I plan on wearing these with everything I own—dress pants, jeans, shorts, sweatpants. I’m pretty sure that’s normal.

Bottoms Up: My Bar Cart

A few months ago I scored this cart at the thrift store for only $7. I instantly knew I wanted to use it as a bar cart and paint it gold. I’m going to be honest with you here, I have the uncontrollable desire to paint everything in gold, so it was no surprise. And who doesn’t want their alcohol on wheels? It can go with me anywhere in the house. That’s all anybody can ask for.

The cart was in pretty bad shape and with the help of my boyfriend (and by help, I mean he did almost everything), we were able to transform it into the lovely little bar cart below.



Below is what it looked like before I jazzed it all up with liquor and other such things. It had to be sand blasted to remove all the paint, then primed and spray painted gold. There are probably a lot of other details, but I can’t help you with that since I didn’t do most of it.

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The Newest Addition to the Family

Look at this little bundle of joy that I brought home over the weekend. Yes, I am referring to a chair. And I suppose it isn’t that little.

I found this Eames era recliner at an antiques/flea market store thing (I’m not really sure what you would call it), and it followed me home. It’s a little squeaky, but quiet is boring, right? It’s in my bedroom for now, but someday it will be in the living room for all to enjoy.

Let Me Introduce You To…

…the cutest soaps I ever met, and I’ve met quite a few soaps in my day.  We ordered them as favors for my sister’s bridal shower. I made a sign that said “From our shower to  yours.” Here they are.

They came in the cute little bag pictured above. Fortunately  there were soaps leftover from the shower so I got to keep some! Go grab your own Prunella soap at the Etsy shop here. Enjoy!

// photos by Alyse Moyer //