Dogfish Inn

We went on our annual family vacation last week to Lewes, Delaware. While we there we noticed a new hotel popped up, so of course I stopped in for a look. And by stopped in, I mean we walked in the lobby, took a bunch of pictures and looked like total creepers, but they were fine with it.

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It is the Dogfish Inn and it looks amazing! I instantly fell in love with everything. Really, everything.

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I want all their chairs. We would be such good friends.

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Oh hello there sailor!

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And, of course, there is beautiful tile to escort you on your way out.

// photos by Alyse Moyer //

Staying Alive

This is quite possibly the longest that I have ever kept a plant alive. And it’s not only one plant, but six! What you don’t see are the three other little succulents that died and were moved out of this picture. You can’t win them all.


// photos by Alyse Moyer //

Jolly Green Couch

Let me introduce you to our newest piece of furniture. I like to call it the Jolly Green couch, for obvious reasons. It’s is a vintage Chromcraft.

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We got this gem a few weekends ago. Our neighbor told us about a friend that was getting rid of some furniture, so of course, my husband and I took a look. I mean, I won’t say no to that. This sofa immediately got my attention, so we snagged it. One thing you should know about this item is it is HEAVY. Seriously, it took three men to get it out of the house. Then, the fun part came, when my husband and I had to carry it up the stairs and into our house, by ourselves. I thought I was going to die.

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It lived in our dining room for about a week until we could muster up the energy to move it up another flight of stairs and into our office. Luckily, my husband noticed that the sofa comes apart and we could take it upstairs in pieces. While we were taking it apart, we realized the entire bottom of the sofa was covered in dog hair. Like A LOT of it. I think the dog laid under that sofa everyday of it’s existence. We also found some gum stuck to the bottom too. What treasures we were finding. Lucky for you, I did not take any pictures of that part.

Eventually we got the whole sofa cleaned and moved it upstairs. We put this sofa where we previously had on old Ikea couch. So then we had the fun task of moving the other couch down two flights of stairs and into the basement.

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After that, we were exhausted and just ate ice cream for dinner.

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// photos and design by Alyse Moyer //

There’s nothing more relaxing than a day at the beach. We took a much needed day trip to this place on Sunday. It was lovely. That was until we got home and realized how burnt we were.




// photos and design by Alyse Moyer //


Seeing Double

This post may look a lot like my last post, I swear I’m not going crazy, it was the intention. Let me explain, a very good friend of mine loved the dresser that my husband and I updated, so I decided to do the same thing to another dresser for her wedding gift. See, makes sense now, doesn’t it?

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We started with a dresser that my husband got for free. Boy has connections, right? It had great bones, but the wood was in bad condition. It was really dirty and the right side had unrepairable water damage. If that wasn’t the case, I never would have painted the outside white, but there was no fixing it, so it had to get covered. The drawers were in great shape though and we were able to just sand those and stain them. Continue reading

95¢ Dresser

Yes, you read that right. That is how much I paid for this gem of a dresser. I found it at a local thrift store, it was unloved and a bit beat up. I think the main reason it was so cheap was that the drawers wouldn’t close right, but I figured we could deal with that later.




It had great bones and I knew exactly how I wanted to update it. My plan was to sand all the paint off the outside section and stain that brown, while leaving the drawers white. That way the gold hardware would really pop (because I love gold). Well, my plan didn’t work. We started sanding the outside (by we, I mean my husband), and we sanded, and sanded, and sanded, and sanded some more (great job husband). There was no wood to be found, nothing worth staining anyway. So, change of plans. I decided to switch the outside to white and make the drawers brown. Once we started sanding the drawers, we could see the lovely grain coming through. It was looking good. Then we stained and sealed the drawers. We also sanded the hardware and the legs and repainted those in a fresh coat of gold. Below is the finished product. I think this is one of my favorite pieces of furniture.


As you can see, I decorated it with even more gold. Because gold hardware just isn’t enough. Oh, and my husband was able to fix the drawers so they actually close! Very exciting!



Not a bad deal, eh?

DIY Flower Pots

I have been on a long and exhausting search for a cheap, cute flower pot (this may be a slight exaggeration, it was about a day). I searched and searched and couldn’t find anything I liked, in a price that I liked. So, obviously, I had to result to gold. As you know, I have a bit of a love affair with gold (see here and here), and I decided that my plants should get to enjoy some gold too. These flower pots are super easy to make and look great.

DIY flower pot


Materials: flower pot and gold paint pen (I got both at Michael’s)


First, I came up with a pattern and drew it on paper, so I could figure out exactly what I wanted to do and to practice the design. Then I just drew the pattern on the pot free hand. I prefer a more natural, organic look, but if you prefer straighter lines, you can tape sections off. I chose a geometric pattern since my flower pot will be holding a pencil cactus, but you can do whatever your heart desires.  photo copy 3


And that’s it! Easy, right? I’ll share another photo in a few weeks once I get my cactus in there.

// photos and design by Alyse Moyer //