That Cupcake Never Stood A Chance


I taught this little lady everything she knows about how to eat a cupcake. We eat them the exact same way. First, I shove the cupcake in my face, then I proceed to lick the icing off and then I actually eat the cupcake. You should try it sometime, it really makes the experience much more enjoyable. Not to mention, it’s very entertaining for everyone who is watching.

Ok, I don’t actually eat cupcakes like that, but I am seriously considering it. Basically my reason for this post is just to warn you that I will be shoving a ton of pictures in your face from my recent trip out west. Look how nicely I tied that all together.

// photos and design by Alyse Moyer //

In the Kitchen with Goose

Yes, this is exactly what it appears like. This is a post about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I will assure you that cooking experiences with me will not become a regular thing on this blog. No need for concern. I will not be writing about how to make easy mac or microwave a veggie burger. Although, it isn’t always as easy as it looks.

I attempted to make my sad looking sandwich fancier by adding some flowers. It’s definitely gourmet now.

Despite what you may think, I can actually cook. It’s just a matter of figuring out what to make. I usually just steal recipes from my older sister after she tests them out and I know they are good. However, the recipe for peanut butter and jelly is all mine.

// photos and design by Alyse Moyer //

A Spot of Tea

We celebrated Mother’s Day early by going to tea last weekend. Doesn’t it look so fancy? We were very fancy too, of course. For most of the time, my niece (shown here) was shouting “cock a doodle doo” and flapping her arms like a chicken, which seems like the normal thing to do while enjoying tea. The people around us were so impressed by our level of sophistication.

My other niece, was obviously enjoying herself too. I know that whenever I am having the time of my life, I cover my face with whatever is within arm’s reach, in an attempt to contain my excitement. I did it at a house warming party just last weekend. It’s a sure sign of a good time.

That chocolate covered strawberry didn’t know what hit it. She mauled that thing.

Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers! Have a great day!

// photos and design by Alyse Moyer //

Weekend Fun

How was your weekend? Mine consisted of Schweddy Balls. Umm…what? Yes, Schweddy Balls. It is a Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavor. What did you think I was talking about? It’s based off of the Saturday Night Live skit “Schweddy Balls.” Have you seen it? It’s a classic.

My friend told me about this flavor and I had to try it, if only because of the name. It makes for some fun conversation:

“Do you want to try my Schweddy Balls?”

“My Schweddy Balls are delicious”

I could go on, but I won’t. You are welcome.

We got two flavors, Clusterfluff and Schweddy Balls.

I was a little nervous about the rum flavor, but it was really good. I would highly recommend it. If you try it, let me know how you like Schweddy Balls. Ok, I’m done making jokes about the name.

// photos by Alyse Moyer //

Brain Freeze

My sister’s bachelorette party was this past weekend. We went for a hike and then worked up an appetite, so we stopped at So Fun! Frozen Yogurt.

They have a million flavors of frozen yogurt to choose from (that might be a slight exaggeration.) So what you do is, go in, get a cup, fill it with whatever flavors you want and then choose your toppings. You can get as much or as little as you want. The price is based on the weight. It was delicious. And, the frozen yogurt is healthy, so my sister will still be able to fit into her wedding dress.

My older sister was really hungry.

I have no idea what all is in there.

// photos by Alyse Moyer //

You’ll Never Guess…

…what my roommate made. Ok, you probably will. It isn’t that hard to figure out. Actually it is quite common to make in the summer. And it is DELICIOUS. Especially when it is in my favorite flavor.

Drum roll please.

Yummy! Here’s the recipe. Evidently, it is easy to make (and you don’t need an ice cream maker), but I can’t confirm that, since I never made it.

// photo & design by Alyse Moyer //


It’s Friday! I can drink to that.

Have a good weekend! Drink some fuzzy navels or whatever strikes your fancy.

In case you were wondering, that picture is not of me. It’s my younger sister. You like the rock she is sporting? She’s getting married in November.

// photos by Alyse Moyer //

Hola mis amigos

(That means “Hello my friends”) I just saved you the time to look up what it means, we must be good friends. Only good friends would do something like that.

Anyway…one of my good friends went to Mexico recently and got me a little something. A really little something.

It’s only a little bigger than my car key. Which means, it must be super hot. I’m a little nervous to try it. I like hot sauce, but this is XXXtra hot. Well taste buds, it was nice knowing you. Too bad they’ll melt off when I try this.

If you want some of your own check this out.

// images by Alyse Moyer //