A Look Into My Weekend

This is how my weekend looked. Ok, maybe it’s how it looked a few weekends ago, but better late than never, right?

weekendingI picked up this lovely blue chair at a used furniture store for only $30! What a steal! It looks very similar to the shape of this chair, but wayyy cheaper. Of course I had to jazz it up with a pillow and some fur. Then the next day, I got some serious rest and relaxation at the beach. I’d consider that a pretty successful weekend. In reality, I’d call any weekend at the beach successful.

How was your weekend? Any fun finds or adventures?

Produce Joy

I know I post pictures of flowers a lot on here, but they are just so pretty. Something about them is inspiring, and there are so many ways they can be grouped. I think I appreciate them even more because I know they are temporary and won’t last forever. They bring me such joy!



Have a great weekend! Do something that brings you joy.

// photos and design by Alyse Moyer //

It’s About Time

I know this week was a short one, with Memorial Day and all, but I still couldn’t wait for the weekend. How about you? I’m in a wedding tomorrow, so it’ll be a busy next few days. I hope your weekend has time for some relaxing!


// photo and design by Alyse Moyer //

Get Going

Three day weekend! Woo hoooooo! That’s three days in a row of sleeping in! Can you tell I’m excited? Enjoy your weekend and let’s get going on the things that matter. For me, that would be sleep.


In case you were wondering, I took this photo on our recent road trip. We drove from Utah to the East coast. I think this was taken in Utah or Wyoming, I can’t remember which. Those were the only two states we drove through that weren’t totally flat. I started going crazy once we hit the flat states, so if you ask me about photos taken after this, I will have absolutely no idea.

Friday Fun Day

Hey, you! Have a good weekend. Doing anything fun? We’re getting family photos taken this weekend. There are a lot of us. The pictures will probably consist of us chasing after children, which will result in mud on our pants and leaves in our hair. That’s just how we roll. Maybe if you’re nice, I’ll share the photos with you. Ok, I will. You don’t need to be so pushy.

Have a good one!

// design by Alyse Moyer //