
How was your weekend? This is how wine was…

Well, my whole weekend wasn’t like that. Just one day. But, them fellas got skills. If they were on American Idol I would totally vote for them. Mostly because they are wearing suspenders (well, at least one is). That’s like 50 points already.

I found those guys at the German festival that I went to yesterday. My friends and I go every year (mostly because we get free tickets).

Here are some more sights from the festival.

We sat on hay bales to watch the men sing.

Then we visited all the animals.

Check out the bleach blonde bangs on this horse. Yes, they are real. Yes, I am going to take this picture to the hair dresser and tell them that I want this exact haircut.

One of many hex signs. Pretty colors.

A plate with a design up top and a plate at the bottom anybody could draw on.

I like the design at the bottom of this sign.

Yup, more suspenders! And some glassblowing.

More hex signs.

This bunny, I cleverly decided to name Fluffy. Look at it! It’s a giant fluff ball.

I am slightly allergic to rabbits. As in, if I touch them and then touch my eyes, they will get all puffy and swollen. (Um, who touches a rabbit and then touches their eyes? That’s just dumb. Oh, I do). But, this rabbit makes me want to rub my face in it. Swollen eyes and all.

// images by Alyse Moyer //